Thursday, February 27, 2020


A proposal to scrap one hour free parking in Erewash car parks and introduce a simplified two-tier charging system is expected to be sent to Erewash Borough Council’s budget setting meeting next month. If agreed, the new charges would see drivers pay just £1 for up to three hours and £3 for any period over three hours. The change would not affect rates at the commuter car park at Long Eaton Railway Station. The suggested change is included in a report going to Council Executive next week (18 February), with councillors expected to give it the green light to go to Full Council for a final decision. The council has carried out an extensive review of charges in its car parks and while the free parking has been popular, it is relatively costly and arguably has not encouraged longer stays in the town, potentially restricting shopping and other opportunities. The budget proposals report outlines the tough financial challenges facing the council. Councillor Michael Powell, Erewash Borough Council’s Lead Member for Regeneration and Planning, says: “This move, if agreed, will encourage people to stay longer in Ilkeston and Long Eaton town centres. We believe a simplified two-price system will work well and that the new rates are fair and compare favourably to charges in other local authority areas.” Additional income generated from the changes would help the council meet the long term costs of maintaining and upgrading the car parks. The meeting of Council Executive is at Long Eaton Town Hall on Tuesday 18th February at 10.30am. The budget-setting Full Council meeting is at Ilkeston Town Hall on Thursday 5th March at 7pm.

I've set up a petition for those people who do not wish Erewash Borough Council to begin charging for the first hour spent in council owned car parks in the area. It will be decided on 3rd March and if I get enough signatures, it will give a real boost to my request for them to rethink their plans.  

Kind regards
Clare Green

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